SENIOR 55+ SELF-DEFENSE CLASSES | Beginning March 4th

This year we have some really exciting things coming up. We are blessed to have Mr. Eddie Downey coming to our studio in March. We will announce the exact date soon. We are working closely with retired Captain Ron Sanchez to put together a regular night for him to teach here, details coming soon. We are also working out details to have Mr. Bob White teach at the studio, to really help us all improve our Kenpo skills. I have had several requests to also have Mrs. Barbara White back again, so hopefully we can work that out. You really don’t want to miss these.
Our studio expansion is nearing completion. A very special thanks to all who have worked to make it possible. We have several events in the planning stages and will announce them as they are cemented in. We are looking forward to an exciting 2020. Our prayer is that you will be a part of this new exciting journey.
God bless you all and see you soon!
Ken Kellogg
We had a wonderful 2019 and are looking forward to what 2020 has in store for us. If you haven’t made it to any classes lately, or are new to the karate world, this is the time to jump right in. We look forward to seeing your faces in the studio!
Happy New Year from your Karate Family! May you have a wonderful 2020!