Warm holiday greetings to you!
First and foremost we have two big events coming up. On December 4th is our Flash Sale– 30-50% off everything on the tables.
Secondly–our Christmas party will be December 11th, 1-5pm. Please be sure to drop by. This is a fun time to meet your karate family and their families. It is a potluck, so if you would like to bring anything, please let me know via email. Everyone is invited, so bring your friends, your family and your family’s friends.
Another year is coming to an end here at the studio. And what a year we have all been through! If you have any questions about returning to karate–or any karate questions–feel free to email me at wycl55@sbcglobal.net.
We are here for you. Kellogg’s American Kenpo Karate is a nonprofit that depends on your support to continue. We love to teach martial arts! All our instructors are volunteers who give selflessly of their time to be of service to this community.
I hope 2022 opens up for our seminars again which are always so informative. As we wait for all this to pass, and as soon as we can, we will resume scheduling these special events. In addition to our usual friend/guest speakers, martial artists and Hollywood stunt experts, we anticipate welcoming representatives from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. We look forward to a great year for all.
As we approach the end of the year and you would like to donate to the nonprofit, you can email any questions. Our tax ID is 46-4025238.
Have a blessed New Year and I hope to see you all soon.
Ken Kellogg —