We are OPEN!
I would like to extend a special thanks to everyone who helped out either at the TNT Fireworks Stand, contributing to our cause and all those who kept the studio open. We had a fantastic year! We did about four times our normal sales over the four day period. It was fun, hard work and a real blessing. This will enable us to continue to remain open in these turbulent times.
We know that these present times have been tough for us all. Many have lost their jobs and/or had hours cut, possibly having to close businesses. We are here for you. Please do not let this stop you from bringing your children or yourself to classes. We are a community and we will assist in any way we can.
I have been seeing more “learn karate online classes” or “get your black belt online”. To be legit, that’s impossible. Online is great for review but you cannot learn any Martial Arts by watching someone else do it. Don’t waste your money and endanger yourself. “Be too legit to quit” and join a real karate school (Dojo). There are plenty to choose from. We of course prefer you choose us, but wish you the best in all you do.
“There is no try, there is only do or do not”.
Have a great month and hope to see you all soon.