Well it’s October, yeah! A very special thank you to all those who have remained here and supported us even during our closing. Not a lot of news for this month. We are still open and adding new students, feeling very blessed. We miss our students that have not been back to join us.
We do have some exciting new events for 2021 as our nation opens back up. We cannot say when we will start, but when we are cleared to, we will be having a Guest speaker (FREE) once a month. Most likely on a Saturday. They will be martial arts stars, stunt people, gymnasts, movie stars, tv stars, movie producers, among other guests. We are trying to serve our community better in 2021. These guests will be mostly directed to our children, however we do encourage parents and all family to attend. We have other special events during the year as well, so stay tuned.
We are praying that international flights open up so we can have our very special friends from across the pond here. Some are of course, our Irish friends and Richard Norton. They all have the most incredible seminars. We will announce ahead of time who is coming and when they will be here.
We will be closed on Halloween (Saturday-10|31), Thanksgiving (Thursday-11|26), Christmas Eve (Thursday 12|24) and Christmas day (Friday 12|25).