We are looking forward to opening our studio back up on Monday, June 15th. Our first class will begin at 4:00PM. You may make your monthly tuition payment that day, since it falls directly on the 15th and we’d like all payments to stay around that date, so we can keep track of them.
We have some rules from the state that we need to adhere to in order for our studio to open back up.
- There will be a sign-in sheet at the door. Every student will have to be signed in and have their temperature scanned at the door.
- There is a Waiver/Release COVID-19 form that every student must have completed, per the state.
- Students may wear masks if the parents prefer, but it is not required.
- Parents will not be able to sit inside the studio due to the max capacity requirement that is currently in place by the state, but we will have seats set up right outside the roll-up doors that will remain open, for parents’ viewing.
- There is a six feet distance requirement put in place by the state, we do have to adhere to that as best as possible. We are not supposed to have any physical contact, so we will do our best to teach the techniques and katas, while doing our best to adhere to these new guidelines.
- Finally, the max capacity for a class is 9 students. If you should show up and the class is full, you may attend the following class, they will not allow us to exceed the max per class.
We will have to follow these rules until the state gives us permission to do otherwise. Thank you so much for your cooperation. We appreciate every one of you and look forward to joining you back in the dojo!